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Discussione: Colt .45 auto contro Mitsubishi Zero

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  1. #1
    Moderatore L'avatar di Paolo Marzetti
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2005
    Italia-New Zealand

    Colt .45 auto contro Mitsubishi Zero

    La notizia l'ho tratta dal web e pare incredibile. Comunque non dando mai nulla per scontato, pare
    che questo pilota americano Owen J.Baggett abbattuto che scendeva col paracadute, fece fuoco con la sua Colt.45
    Auto contro uno Zero che gli veniva addosso. Uccise il giapponese cosi' abbattendo lo Zero.Esiste la
    foto con tanto di localita' ed articolo esaustivo sul web cliccando sul nome del pilota.
    Ai posteri l'ardua sentenza...! PaoloM
    "On March 31, 1943, while stationed in British India, Baggett's squadron was ordered to destroy a bridge at Pyinmana, Burma. Before reaching their target, the B-24 bombers were intercepted by Japanese fighter planes. Baggett's plane was severely damaged and was set on fire by several hits to the fuel tanks, and the crew was forced to bail out. The aircrew escaped the crippled B-24 merely seconds before the bomber exploded. Japanese pilots then attacked U.S. airmen as they parachuted to earth. Two of Baggett's crew members were killed. Baggett, though wounded, played dead, hoping the Japanese would ignore him. One Zero approached within several feet of Baggett. The pilot then nosed up, almost stalling, and opened his canopy. Baggett drew his pistol and fired four shots at the pilot. Baggett watched as the plane stalled and plunged to the earth, and Baggett became legendary as the only person to shoot down a Japanese airplane with an M1911 pistol. He survived and was captured by the Japanese. "
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